Afternoon Fun with a stop by the Seahawks 12 Tour! Don't Miss this! Meet the new Hawks!
Juneteenth is the Celebration of June 19th , 1865 when General Gordon Granger and troops were in Galveston Texas to deliver the news to slaves that they were Free!! The Emancipation of Slavery has been celebrated in the Tri Cites for the last 40 years or more! In Pasco Wa the Tri Cities Juneteenth Community Council and a Planning Committee has put together various Juneteenth events to celebrate "Our" holiday. They come together to bring people together at this event and celebrate unity, visions for the community, information on various things available to the community, local food vendors satisfying your tastes with their delicious food!! Attendees at this Juneteenth Event get a meal and a dessert provided by financial donations and sponsorships to the Tri Cities Juneteenth Community Council and the Juneteenth Events. Each year we hope to garner more interest in Juneteenth and continue to bring a great family fun event to the Tri Cities!